Piedmont Area Human Resource Association
Meeting Sponsor
Cost: $150 per meeting (Sponsors may sponsor one meeting per quarter.)
- Up to five minutes to speak and provide company information at the beginning of one monthly PAHRA meeting. Audio-visual equipment is provided at no extra fee.
- Company logo and description on the PAHRA website and social media pages during month of sponsorship.
- Company recognition in electronic meeting invite twice during month of sponsorship.
- Provide company materials (brochures, business cards, handouts, etc.) at attendee seats and PAHRA information table.
- May provide door prizes, give aways and other items with company logo at meeting, provided the purpose is not for future solicitation.
- One lunch is included at no cost in meeting sponsorship.
Please note: Sponsorship is intended for promotional information of a company solely during a monthly meeting time. PAHRA does not allow solicitation of its members/attendees at any other time by sponsors.
General information: PAHRA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the James C. Self Conference Center at Piedmont Technical College (date and venue subject to change). Meetings are generally held 11:45 am – 1:15 pm; however, occassionally, longer programs may begin earlier than 11:45 am or run later than 1:15 pm.
Website and Social Media
Cost: $50 per month (unlimited)
- Company logo and website link on the PAHRA website and social media pages.
To apply for sponsorship, please complete the Sponsorship Application, and submit to Olivia Lewis at oliviarlewis@eaton.com. Applications will be reviewed by the PAHRA board for approval. Once notice of approval is received, please mail payment to: Pam Yates, Countybank, PO Box 3129, Greenwood SC 29648. Payment for sponsorship is due one month in advance by check or money order. Please make checks and money orders payable to Piedmont Area Human Resource Association.